Unable to attach docs to an invoice (entreprise plan) on desktop app

No alert message at the bottom of the screen, sorry. A blue light does it usual K2000-like swipe under the menu, but that’s all.

Meanwhile, I found another bug (a display one) : first time you display the “documents” tab in an invoice for exemple, the thumbnail is small and you can access the drop down menu. If you do any use of this menu or display the image by clicking on it, the page re-displays with a bigger thumbnail (uncropped?), but the clickable part of the thumbnail is the size of the smaller previous one and the drop down menu is no more clickable. The only way to correct that is to restart the app, as displaying another invoice or item doesn’t change the situation. It seems related to the size of this image which is portrait. It doesn’t seem to do the same thing on text files or landscape images. See the sreenshots below.