Invoices and Quotes longer than 1 page result in an additional blank page in PDF

I opened a topic in the self hosted accidently, i use

It’s been very difficult to obtain useful help.

Can any of the devs help debug this? I find myself manually removing the blank pages prior to sending docs to clients.

I am using the calm design with 3 custom, short text field.

I can not find what’s generating this extra blank “cover page” for the life of me.


Do you see the blank page with all designs or just calm?

It’s apparent with all the designs.

Is this the same issue referenced here?

Yes, like I said, I opened a topic in the self hosted accidently, but i actually use your hosting.

Does removing the terms help?

  1. Seems like removing the terms does help.

  2. I noticed that with the terms in place, the extra page does NOT appear in the quote editing screen preview; only in the view PDF / email screen.

Edit screen:

View / Email :

Thanks for the info! Please send an email to and we’ll try to help.

I sent an email the same day, have yet to hear back.

I’ll check for it, what was the subject of the email?

“[InvoiceNinja] - Extra Pages on PDFs”

Thanks! I’ve found the email, we’ll look into it.