Invoice Ninja 5.5.71 PHP 8.1 - CRON Settings

Morning guys

I have decided to give this another bash as I really want to start using v5 and I am coming across a hurdle so hoping you can help.

Dedicated server and logged into the cPanel account as the user.

I am using the cPanel account that I created to do all these tasks so hopefully won’t get any permissions issues.

I uploaded the ZIP file and extracted it. All well, I managed to do the install following the video I found but now the issue is the Cron jobs, like before.

Although this is a dedicated server for each cPanel account it is basically a shared setup.

Is there a definitive tutorial on this perhaps that I can follow?


The installation guide is available here:

Appreciated. Tanks. I’ll try this and come back to you with any issues if that’s OK.

Of course, good luck!

This appears to have worked:

cd /usr/local/bin/php /home/[ACCTNAME]/public_html/ && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

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I set the invoice dud date to yesterday so the cron should have triggered a send but nothing happened.

Have you configured reminders? The app doesn’t automatically send invoices on their due date,

I suggest adding the ‘next send date’ column to the invoices table to check the value.


Yes, I configured reminders. I added the next send date column and it’s 2 days from now but I would rather it send reminders every day while I am testing.

I believe you can use the endless reminders to send the email daily


I have done that. Will see what happens tomorrow.

Sorry about this, nothing has been sent or received.

The bell icon is OK, just reminding me to download the desktop app but no emails sent or received.

Looks like we’re helping you on two threads. I think they’re the same issue, let’s follow up on the other one.

I agree because I think the CRON is setup correctly and it’s the email problem that’s causing the invoices not to send.

I thought the issues were unrelated and that’s why I opened a separate thread.

I have tested today with the following cron job:

/usr/bin/ea-php81 -d register_argc_argv=On /home/[ACCTNAME]/public_html/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

And when I went to send a mail it send and was received.

I have yet to see if the reminders work though.

These re the 2 CRON jobs I have setup:

/usr/bin/ea-php81 -d register_argc_argv=On /home/[ACCTNAME]/public_html/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

php /home/[ACCTNAME]/public_html/artisan queue:work --stop-when-empty

If I manually send mail everything works as expected.

However, I have Endless reminder set to daily and yet the only invoice I have in the system has its next send date set to a date in the past so is not sending endless reminders so I cannot test the CRON.

Any thoughts on what I might be missing here guys…?

Are you seeing the cron error in the app? If the error is gone the cron is running.

You can add the next send date to the invoice data table to see when invoices are next scheduled to be sent.

Morning Hillel

No cron error and this morning no reminder was sent even though the invoice says it’s next send date is today.

Odd no…?

Has the send time on Settings > Email Settings passed?

@david do you have any suggestions?

what time are your reminders set to send?

        • every minute, until I get it resolved.

is that wrong?

I was hoping the reminders would trigger and then when they did I could set it to something like 6 AM.