After a lot of back and forth, I managed to import invoices. But there are quite some bugs:
Context: We are importing invoices that we issued in Austria and across Europe (reverse charge applies). The invoices only contain a single line that has a quantity of 1 and an “item cost” of the net total of the invoice to simplify the import. That means that the invoices all do have a single product as line item, while we only offer services.
- Importing without using the exact csv-template provided in the import-view is not possible.
- The “Client Currency” row is not supported in the mapping.
- The “Invoice Amount” needs a “,” comma as floating point (docs say EUR-values need a “comma”), while “Payment Amount” and “Item Cost” need a “.” period.
- The “Item Type” needs to be set to “0” as else there will be a “discount” set to the line item, equal the “item Type” integer. Note: The reason might be that we have a custom line item value (boolean checkbox) per line item. I did not search up the code to verify this, but from the looks, this might be the reason.
- The “Item Tax Category” seems to be ignored. “Physical Goods” is always selected, not matter what integer I add there. (Is there some documentation around this; I could not find anything)
The “Invoice Due Date” column seems to be ignored and the date is set to the day of the import. Not only does this mess with our analytical data (fetched to other service via API), but it also makes fixing and updating an invoice manually a pain, as we first have to resolve the dates by deleting the due date, saving the invoice, correcting the dates again and fixing the actual data. Edit: While going through this, I noticed, that sometimes it’s the “Invoice Date” that got lost during update and in other cases it’s the “Invoice Due Date”.Edit: The problem here seems to be that I usedmm/dd/yyyy
works. Strange, as I have EN as language set.
This issue seems a bit related what I could find in this unresolved topic.
Thanks and happy new year everyone!