Breaking invoice import bug: Discount dupes to main Amount!

I’ve been struggling hard importing stuff in, and now I’ve deducted the issue:

Even if I map discount and amount properly, it will always DUPE "Discount to “Amount”!. This also causes cascading failure when importing payments, as the amount will always mismatch.

  • Discount is duped to Amount
  • Custom 2 is the “true” Amount, which means the actual Custom 2 poofed?

Expected row 1:

  • Amount: $106.77
  • Discount: $4
  • Custom X (forgot which): -$5.23 (paypal fee)


  • Amount: $4 (same as Discount)
  • Discount: $4

I tried multiple times to map and can confirm the mapping was correct. Heck, it won’t even let me map discount twice even if I wanted to.

Used the Windows Store desktop app today.

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@david do you have any ideas?


When you are importing, are you including a item quantity and item cost?

it looks like your invoice has no line items. the system requires at least one.

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Item quantity yes, item cost (what the end-user pays) no:

Paypal’s export report vomits out line items mixed within other activity, so it’s hard to parse it correctly to have it import cleanly. I haven’t found a way to import’s mixed line items without some wizardry.

If I arbitrarily added a column for item cost and just made it == the total invoice amount, would that suffice? At least for historical imports.

I tried setting all item quantity to 1, then setting item cost to equal the invoice amount: Still experiencing weirdness with amounts discounts.

Same thing – discount was $5.

I set invoice amount $157.44, payment amount $157.44 (assuming that means paid), and $5 discount, which I originally thought was inclusive of the total but seems to be exclusive (eg: I owe them $5 instead of considering $5 in the total).

I can just store discounts in a custom non-charge field, but that still [probably] won’t resolve the amount being $0.

(EDIT: Hmm, seeing 2x $0, I wonder if I used an old csv; will try again)

(EDIT 2: Perhaps I need an item name? I’ll set a new column to cascade “Unknown” down for historical item name).

With all these requirements, should I open a feat request for warnings before importing? Perhaps not hard errors.

+Perhaps a demo preview or 2 of what the imported data would look like if I opened an invoice - toss the 1st row data in as a preview. Since we have to wipe our entire account for issues, it may be nice.

Just ideas~

Ah, Ok I got it; not sure which fixed it:

  • I duped date column for payment date
  • Created item name column for just unknown
  • Changed qty to all to 1 (since I only have the total; not item breakdown)
  • Created a total item cost column for item cost

:sweat:PayPal export reports are exhausting. There’s not actually a single competitor that has native paypal import support; neither API or csv/json import. It’s not just you guys, it’s everyone – paypal historical activity report parsing (their own viable report) is tough.

I finally got it, but after maybe 15 hours or trial and error with serious, serious adjustments to the raw csv.

I ditched the line items, though. That was too difficult being all mixed in.

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Related (another import dupe bug just like this one):

Note that when I say fix, I mean workaround.