I’ve been struggling hard importing stuff in, and now I’ve deducted the issue:
Even if I map discount and amount properly, it will always DUPE "Discount to “Amount”!. This also causes cascading failure when importing payments, as the amount will always mismatch.
Item quantity yes, item cost (what the end-user pays) no:
Paypal’s export report vomits out line items mixed within other activity, so it’s hard to parse it correctly to have it import cleanly. I haven’t found a way to import’s mixed line items without some wizardry.
If I arbitrarily added a column for item cost and just made it == the total invoice amount, would that suffice? At least for historical imports.
I set invoice amount $157.44, payment amount $157.44 (assuming that means paid), and $5 discount, which I originally thought was inclusive of the total but seems to be exclusive (eg: I owe them $5 instead of considering $5 in the total).
I can just store discounts in a custom non-charge field, but that still [probably] won’t resolve the amount being $0.
(EDIT: Hmm, seeing 2x $0, I wonder if I used an old csv; will try again)
(EDIT 2: Perhaps I need an item name? I’ll set a new column to cascade “Unknown” down for historical item name).
With all these requirements, should I open a feat request for warnings before importing? Perhaps not hard errors.
+Perhaps a demo preview or 2 of what the imported data would look like if I opened an invoice - toss the 1st row data in as a preview. Since we have to wipe our entire account for issues, it may be nice.
Changed qty to all to 1 (since I only have the total; not item breakdown)
Created a total item cost column for item cost
PayPal export reports are exhausting. There’s not actually a single competitor that has native paypal import support; neither API or csv/json import. It’s not just you guys, it’s everyone – paypal historical activity report parsing (their own viable report) is tough.
I finally got it, but after maybe 15 hours or trial and error with serious, serious adjustments to the raw csv.
I ditched the line items, though. That was too difficult being all mixed in.