Email sending problems

Self hosted Invoice ninja using same (old) email credentials when they have been changed in .env resulting in failure. Logs show the old email info and not new credentials. Did the php artisan optimize did not help
cleared cache on browser


Which version of the app are you using?

I am using version 5

Thanks, which specific release? The latest version is v5.8.16.

Not sure where to look for that.

If you have the desktop or mobile app installed you can click the about icon in the lower left corner.

Self hosted on a Fedora Server

Want to fix what I have not download another program sorry

To help I need to know which version of the app you have.

Another option would be to change to the Flutter web app using the icon at the top of. the dashboard.

I am using version
5.83 c147

Thanks! That’s a recent version, you shouldn’t need to use the optimize command.

If you change the mail driver do you see the updated value using the health check?

Here is what health check gives tried to email from still the same

It looks like the queue is enabled, I suggest changing the queue setting to sync in the .env file to see if it helps.

Still failing changed the env file

this email has been replaced by a gmail account in env file but it still using the old email.
the old email is in the screen shot I am not using this anymore

Do you see the updated queue setting in the health check dialog?

No it is the same now as the screen shot.

Is it possible you’re updating the wrong file?

If you change the database credentials to an invalid value does the app still work?

Yes it does that is what makes me think there is another env file somewhere

There may be a few different .env files in the root folder of the project (ie., .env.travis) however only the file called .env is active.

If you installed the app more than once each installation would have its own .env file.