Button for switching to Flutter-web-app gone


I’m confused. For some testings I had to switch to React-web-app, but now the button for switching back to Flutter seems to be gone.

Is this the wanted behavior?



@david any ideas?

You can run this SQL command to manually switch.

UPDATE accounts SET set_react_as_default_ap = 0;

Note: in general we recommend using the React web app or the Flutter desktop app, the Flutter web app will eventually be deprecated.

Hi, Hillel,

ah, that’s a valuable information! I didn’t think that the Flutter-web-app could be deprecated (until today).

Phew, hope to get the desktop-app compiled on my Linux. We’ll see. Otherwise I’ll try the SQL-command!

Thanks a lot!

Why compile the Linux app rather than download the Snap or Flatpak?

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Yes, that’s quite better. While my Linux does not have a Snap-package I’ll try the Flatpak. Let’s see. Thank you!

Thanks again. Flatpack did it!

Glad to hear it, thanks for the update!


Yes, the update now assumes users are using the desktop applications to access the app and not flutter web and that React is now the default AP for new installations.

Existing installations that user Flutter Web are not impacted.

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