Given that the react web interface is the way forward (per this comment) I’m collecting my current annoyances with it here.
Most of these are fairly minor gripes, and also just my opinion, so take this with a grain of salt. That being said, here we go:
No little notification icon when there are updates
I miss the right sidebar in the dashboard that shows quick info about stuff
Giant header w/ search bar, etc. I don’t use any of that functionality, so it feels like a big waste of screen space
No edit button for table rows. I have to go into More Actions-> Edit. One click isn’t much on its own, but it adds up quickly.
To open the right sidebar in the Tasks table, I have to click in the empty space next to the status. That’s a little insane to me, ngl.
No column for “amount” in the tasks table
Task duration gets rounded to the nearest hour in the table, but not in the task
Can’t start / stop tasks from the right sidebar in the task table
Clicking on the status of an item in a table is very inconsistent. Often, it opens the right sidebar. Sometimes, it opens the item for editing. Sometimes it opens a pop-up for changing the status.
Times in task edit view ignore the setting for 24h time
Right sidebar for invoices doesn’t actually show line items / tasks (or… really anything about the actual content of the invoice). Also, no buttons for emailing the invoice / entering a payment (again, having to menu-dive into “MoreActions”)
No summary of uploaded documents? (Possibly I just haven’t found it yet)
Breadcrumbs under the search bar take up a lot of space considering how little information they contain
In general seems like the information visible at once is much less in the react app vs flutter.
And finally, my favourite thing about the react app:
The way you can define which actions appear as buttons at the top of the invoice editing page is actually really cool, would love to see that concept expanded to more places (especially places with “More Actions” menus, which are currently the bane of my existence)
It sounds like you really are enjoying the flutter, I think you would enjoy using the desktop application as the UI/UX is identical.
The React App is very different in its approach, we’ll certainly look into some of the points raised, but just managing expectations don’t expect the UI/UX to change that much from what it is currently.
I would also really like to see these charges implemented. I use IN because it’s a great project, but also your implementation of tasks is the best I’ve seen for my use case.
@david I’m just curious, why no more UI changes moving forward? Do you accept pull requests on GitHub to fix/change things?
Can you kindly describe what the approach is and why it’s different for the app and web UI? Especially since certain features seem to work better in one versus the other.
I’m my opinion, it feels disjointed at times. It would also seem like it would increasingly grow to be more and more complex for your team as developers.
The philosophy is to keep the UI as close to v4 as possible whilst also giving it an updated feel. The flutter app is a lot more mature as it has been around the longest.
We are always open to feedback about where something may be “disjointed” and see whether there are options available to remedy anything UI/UX
Thanks for clarifying. I didn’t start using IN until v5, so that makes more sense to me now. Still seems like a lot for you to maintain for such a small team. I appreciate the explanation.
Totally. I’m not expecting a huge overhaul. I’m not even expecting that everything I brought up will be implemented entirely, nor am I expecting that what does get implemented will appear exactly as it does in the flutter app.
My purpose with this is more to let you know what things about the react interface bother me specifically, in the hope that the workflow(s) of the react interface can improve and become more efficient over time, perhaps even overtaking that of the flutter app one day.
As an example, for my note about the sidebar in the dashboard, perhaps rather than implementing a sidebar in the dashboard like the flutter app, it could be worth adding the ability to customize what info appears in the main dashboard view and in what order. Then each user could still have access to the information that is most relevant to them, but without simply reimplementing what the flutter app does.