Zapier integration: "Find Product" returning same 20 records regardless of search value

If you’re using the API directly you can add ?per_page=100 to the URL increase the number of records returned.

Of course, happy to help.

Hm… I’m not sure how to go about setting that up - I’m using Zapier as a go-between.

I’m not sure how to do this in Zapier.

Is this for the find product action? We can look into increasing the default in the next version.

Yes. It doesn’t actually seem to have line-item support at all, but the meta says that there are 20 per page.

This is what I get when I do a test with a comma-delineated list:

Can you explain what you mean by “line-item support”? In the app we use the term line item to refer to the product included in an invoice. The find product action doesn’t search invoices, only the product list.

The above screenshot was with searching “Product” and using a comma-delineated list of product names.

And this is what I get when I select search in “ID” and use a comma-delineated list of ID’s from INinja:

Zapier doesn’t support searching using a comma separated list, does it work if you provide a single id or product key?