You passed an invalid URI for your domain name. It must not contain a port, path, query, or fragment, and should be just a bare top-level domain, such as


Hi all! I have installed Invoice Ninja 5 latest version on my subdomain. eg… I am not able to get apple pay to work. I have gone in to Stripe and added the subdomain and downloaded the verification file. I have added the file to the .well-known folder. I have also entered the code from inside the file to the applepay box within the stripe module. Every time i try and complete a payment using apple pay i get “You passed an invalid URI for your domain name. It must not contain a port, path, query, or fragment, and should be just a bare top-level domain, such as” .

How do i get apple pay to work on my subdomain?


@david any ideas?

It sounds like you may need to verify inside stripe both the top level domain and the subdomain, you should be able to do this from within stripe and then download the verification file.


Yes i have done this. I have apple pay working in my main website. I have added and to the stripe panel and have downloaded the correct file for each and placed them in the correct directories. I have tried everytthing invluding pasting the code from the file into the stripe apple pay field in the invoice ninja stripe module. I get the same error everytime in invoice ninja when selecting apple pay as the payment solution. My regular shopping cart on my main domain works ok just not my sub domain with invoice ninja. The stripe module works for regular credit card payment but i get that error when i try and checkout with apple pay in invoice ninja. Not sure what else to try. I really need to get this working.

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Hi @GWCMedia
any luck getting this issue resolved?
I have the same issue on my end.

No resolution yet. No one replies or has let me know a fix for this… Hopefully one day someone will answer with a fix? Not very well supported.

There is a fix for this in 5.5.50, i’ll tag this shortly.


Hi @david

I am updated all the way to 5.5.56 and still having the same issue.
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

The apple domain verification is the contents of the file you download from Stripe.

The domain itself will be the contents of your APP_URL in the .env file,

we then strip out these characters


If your domain has other characters, these may be causing an issue.

Hi @david

Got it! This was exactly the issue. Apple Pay will not work on stripe if InvoiceNinja is hosted on a subfolder rather than the main public_html directory.

I have installed another Invoice Ninja v.5.5.56 on the same server but this time directly to the public_html folder of the domain; and I am having no issues.

Thanks David.

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