I am using v4.5.19. When I try to renew the white label, I see an error after I press the “Purchase” button. How can I resolve it? Thanks!
What error are you seeing?
Also, are there any details about the error in storage/logs?
It shows the following message:
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
Are there any details about the error in storage/logs?
Only find this error in laravel-error.log
ErrorException [0] : /var/www/html/invoiceninja/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Response.php [Line 339] => Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected
You can try using this link to purchase the license however there may be an issue try to apply it.
Note: white label licenses will soon be unavailable for the v4 app, we strongly recommend upgrading to v5.
I clicked the link twice and paid, but the email contains the v5 license key, which cannot be applied to v4. Please help!
And the invoice numbers are 01-104755 and 01-104756.
White label licenses can be shared by the v4/v5 apps. Have you tried applying it?
If you need a refund please email [email protected]
I can apply it now. So if I keep the other one, can I use it next year?
I suggest asking for a refund, the license will not be valid next year.
Thanks, I will ask for a refund.