What is rsms.me?

I loaded up my login page today on a up-to-date self-hosted instance of IN v5 and it just hung while the browser indicated it is busy “Connecting to https://rsms.me”. Is this a new thing? I don’t allow external requests from my IN instance so this will always fail. Any suggestions?


I see a reference to this file in the React app.

@david @ben can we move any files hosted on a third-party site into the codebase, unless we need to load it from them (ie, payment gateways).

Good to see that you were able to verify that the URL is related to a remote CSS sheet. It would be nice if this small change could be slated for upcoming work. Thanks!

And chance to get some traction on this? Probably from a developer standpoint it is undesirable to depend on 3rd party websites like this. If the external resource goes away for any reason, all InvoiceNinja users will experience the hanging login page.

Feel free to create an issue on GitHub to track the issue:

Created an issue here: External CSS stylesheet dependency on IN v5 login page · Issue #1707 · invoiceninja/ui · GitHub