Welcome to nginx! but no IN

I think I’ve got my install working now but I only see the " Welcome to nginx!" page.

What should I check for to solve this?



Maybe the info here will help:

I read that along with every other hit from this forum and Google and no help.

From your other thread it seems like you’re using a modified Docker file, I suggest checking if it works correctly with the standard file.

I copied everything from the repo to make sure I have the same as the default.

I update the config/hosts file to use my container host’s ip address but everything else should be what is in the repo.

There may be more info in the Docker repo which may be helpful

Thanks for the quick help again but I’m throwing in the towel and will find an alternative.

I was excited to try this out but the install seems very rigid and overly complex.

I’ve run several other self-hosted apps for years and haven’t had this much trouble getting one working before.

I’m sure it’s something I’m doing wrong but I can only spend so many hours on it in frustration.

Thanks again for the help and quick responses.