V5 Test Migration results and bugs


That is going to be tough to split instance of #, ## and ### apart due to partial matching… You could try the following ensuring you do a full DB backup in case this does not work

php artisan tinker

Invoice::query()->cursor()->each(function ($invoice){

  $line_items = $invoice->line_items;

  foreach($line_items as $item)
      $item->notes = str_replace("\n", "  ", $item->notes);
      if(preg_match("/^###$/", $item->notes)){

        $item->notes = str_replace("###", "### ", $item->notes);


      if(preg_match("/^##$/", $item->notes)){

        $item->notes = str_replace("##", "## ", $item->notes);


      if(preg_match("/^#$/", $item->notes)){

        $item->notes = str_replace("#", "# ", $item->notes);



  $invoice->line_items = $line_items;



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