Using local phantomjs binary for pdf generation

I am running the application on a local machine using artisan serve and getting in to pdf creation error. What I know is that I can’t use PhantomJS Cloud because the running application isn’t available via public domain. So my question is how can a local install of phantomjs can be configured to generate pdf previews etc.

I have following phantomjs settings in .env file:


Going through the code files, what I figured out so far is whenever PHANTOMJS_PDF_GENERATION is true the pdf generation goes to the web service of PhantomJS and not to local bin. What else do I need to configure to use the bin and not the web serice


phantomjs locally is not supported.

we do have a new PDF generation engine which you may want to consider, you just need to add the following variables to your .env (be sure to run php artisan optimize afterwards)


I used the above variables but now I am getting following error:

Class 'App\Utils\Traits\Pdf\ChromiumPdf' not found

This is a bug, if you can pull in the latest changes from v5-develop it will be fixed in there.

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@david is this implemented in the latest docker image?

phantomjs locally is not supported.
we do have a new PDF generation engine which you may want to consider, you just need to add the following variables to your .env (be sure to run php artisan optimize afterwards)



You can put that in the .env file of Invoice Ninja or in docker-compose under envinronment variables (app section).

With next Docker image update it will enabled by default for you :+1:

Awesome, I’ll give it a go, thank you

We need to build and test the new image. I’ll add this to my backlog.

Hey @kamikaks,

We’ve pushed new update thru Docker and new one uses previously experimental PDF engine. Can you please update & give it a try?


I did a fresh install and got the latest code from the v5-develop branch. While installing, it showed me a pdf being generated when I pressed the Test pdf button. But after installation, when I went to the invoice design section to customize and preview, it shows me a 500: Internal Server Error and exception window shows: Browser binary not found. Make sure you download it or set using setChromiumPath().
I double checked my google-chrome path, which is correct. Any idea why this exception is occurring?

hi jsan,

can you try running vendor/bin/snappdf download

@ben Sure will try it now. Is it now the default PDF generator then? Or should I use the environmental variables


hi david,
now I am getting a time out exception:

production.ERROR: The process "/home/jsan/projects/invoiceninja/vendor/beganovich/snappdf/versions/chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf="/tmp/pdf_47MpnU.pdf" --print-to-pdf-no-header --hide-scrollbars --no-margins --no-sandbox /tmp/html_2ihmgW.html" exceeded the timeout of 60 seconds. {"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Process\\Exception\\ProcessTimedOutException(code: 0): The process \"/home/jsan/projects/invoiceninja/vendor/beganovich/snappdf/versions/chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf=\"/tmp/pdf_47MpnU.pdf\" --print-to-pdf-no-header --hide-scrollbars --no-margins --no-sandbox /tmp/html_2ihmgW.html\" exceeded the timeout of 60 seconds. at /home/jsan/projects/invoiceninja/vendor/symfony/process/Process.php:1203)

@ben thoughts?

@jsan does it consistently fail?

@david yeah, it keeps crashing with the same exception which I mentioned in my previous reply