Uploaded logo is not visible in the client portal but is visible in invoices and budgets

Hello! I have uploaded the logo in different sizes and formats (jpg, jpeg, png…) and it is not displayed in the client portal.

Any advice?

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Do you see any errors in the network tab in the browser console?

Note: if LOCAL_DOWNLOAD is set to true in the .env file the image is embedded in the PDF file, this will work even if the file isn’t reachable over the network.

LOCAL_DOWNLOAD is set to true in the .env file
Here are errors at the browser console


   GET https://ekon.servicioscreativosreml.com/storage/aeDNlgRficoSTB081KDMnduDCp9SoLiE/LjHwKzDW6zfpzjgKNSfgzyYCYySSDJyRYV32JyW4.png 403 (Forbidden)


   GET https://ekon.servicioscreativosreml.com/storage/aeDNlgRficoSTB081KDMnduDCp9SoLiE/LjHwKzDW6zfpzjgKNSfgzyYCYySSDJyRYV32JyW4.png 403 (Forbidden)

Thanks! I believe there are two ways to fix this:

  • Correct way: map the webroot to the /public folder
  • Easy way: add /public to the end of the APP_URL value in the .env file
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Correct way: I have a symlink on the domain, and the webroot in public_html
Easy way doesn’t work

The webroot should map to the public folder inside the main source folder.

Same happensa in emails

If you aren’t able to update the webroot I suggest adding /public to the APP_URL value and then re-uploading the logo.


It works!!! Thanks! i didn’t reupload logo

Immensely grateful for the speed and clarity of support

Glad to hear it, thanks for the update!

Oh yeahhhhh!

Adding /public to the APP_URL value worked for getting my logo to show on the client portal. I did need to reupload the logo. Now it also shows in the Company settings/Logo upload area, like I thought it was supposed to.

And I believe adding the LOCAL_DOWNLOAD=true worked for showing my logo in the PDFs/Invoices.

Thank you @hillel and @manuzetace