Upgrade problem

Every time I upgrade from softaculous.com I brake my site .
After upgrade I also try to load public/update and I get this .

SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name ‘refunded’ (SQL: alter table payments add refunded decimal(13, 2) not null, add payment_status_id int unsigned not null default ‘4’, add routing_number int unsigned null, add last4 smallint unsigned null, add expiration date null, add gateway_error text null, add email varchar(255) null, add payment_method_id int unsigned null)

Writing software which works\upgrades on all servers without any errors is a challenge…

Try commenting out line 60, and possibly the ones after, in the following file and reload /update.


Did not work . I commented out 60 and the once after . Function payment
Now I get this

SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name ‘client_enable_auto_bill’ (SQL: alter table invoices add client_enable_auto_bill tinyint(1) not null default ‘0’)

You’ll need to comment out the lines further down in the file.

I commented out all this
// Schema::table(‘payments’, function($table)
// {
// $table->decimal(‘refunded’, 13, 2);
// $table->unsignedInteger(‘payment_status_id’)->default(PAYMENT_STATUS_COMPLETED);
// $table->foreign(‘payment_status_id’)->references(‘id’)->on(‘payment_statuses’);

       // $table->unsignedInteger('routing_number')->nullable();
       // $table->smallInteger('last4')->unsigned()->nullable();
       // $table->date('expiration')->nullable();
      //  $table->text('gateway_error')->nullable();
       // $table->string('email')->nullable();

     //   $table->unsignedInteger('payment_method_id')->nullable();
      //  $table->foreign('payment_method_id')->references('id')->on('payment_methods');

//    Schema::table('invoices', function($table)
 //   {
  //      $table->boolean('client_enable_auto_bill')->default(false);
//    });

//    \DB::table('invoices')
 //       ->where('auto_bill', '=', 1)
  //      ->update(array('client_enable_auto_bill' => 1, 'auto_bill' => AUTO_BILL_OPT_OUT));

//    \DB::table('invoices')
 //       ->where('auto_bill', '=', 0)
 //       ->where('is_recurring', '=', 1)
 //       ->update(array('auto_bill' => AUTO_BILL_OFF));

  //  Schema::table('account_gateway_tokens', function($table)
  //  {
  //      $table->unsignedInteger('default_payment_method_id')->nullable();
  //      $table->foreign('default_payment_method_id')->references('id')->on('payment_methods');

 //   });

// }

NOW I GET " Whoops, looks like something went wrong."

OK it worked thanks