Unable to display chinese word

Hello everyone,

Already install Ninja v5.5.25-C95 in docker. Try to enter chinese word success but in preview and download PDF file are cannot show any chinese. Who can teach me how can fix it. Thanks


@david can you please advise?


This will be an issue with missing fonts / language packs. I’ll kick off a new docker build with these fonts. Please let us know if they still don’t render.


I try to reinstall again, but unfortunately same cannot display Chinese word in preview & export PDF.


The container takes a couple of hours to build.

You can follow the progress here


I saw all done and try install again. Same problem. Could tell me how to fix it? Thanks


how did you update the container?


I follow these two link GitHub - invoiceninja/dockerfiles: Docker files for Invoice Ninja and Setup Invoice Ninja in 5 minutes using Docker Compose - YouTube to install.


to upgrade the container can you try running

docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up

Try. Same :expressionless: How can make it happen? Thanks