Unable to change previewed invoice under "Invoice Design" in settings

App Version: v4.5.31
Server OS: Linux 5.4.0-64-generic
PHP Version: 7.3.26-1+ubuntu20.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
MySQL Version: 10.3.25-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1

I’m trying to get the invoice being previewed when customizing my invoice design to be different so I don’t have to go back and adjust an old/active invoice, but I have no idea how invoice ninja keeps deciding to choose this invoice as the preview. I’ve made a new invoice that has an older invoice number, creation date, payment date, and the client is also higher alphabetically.

Does anyone know what criteria invoice ninja uses to select this preview, or what steps I’d need to take to have it refresh/reset this preview to the earliest invoice?


In v4 the app uses the first active invoice as the preview, changing it isn’t supported.

When you say first active invoice, what do you mean? As in, if I were to delete/purge that invoice what would the criteria be for selecting the next one. Would it choose the next preview based on the date it was first activated?

Also is it possible to change the “first active” active invoice in the DB?

I believe first in order of creation.

If you mark it as deleted in the app I think it should use the next one.

I see what you mean, thank you!