Unable to allocate payments to invoices

Hi. When trying to apply a payment to an invoice from the payments page, it fails with the message “The selected invoices.0.invoice_id is invalid.” However, when adding a payment from the edit invoice page, it succeeds. There are no error messages in the logs or the standard out. Any idea why this could be happening?

Running a self hosted version on Ubuntu 22.04 using Docker.


Which frontend are you using/which version do you see in the about dialog?

I’m using the React front-end. The version is stated as v11.03.2024.1

@david @ben do you have any ideas?

FYI. I just tried it with the Flutter front-end and it worked.

In the Flutter front-end, a message indicated that an update is available. I’ve pulled the latest image and now the React front-end also works.

Glad to hear it, thanks for the update!