Translating Terms and Footer


I’m using the self-host version of InvoiceNinja and i’m wondering if its possible to translate the Invoice Terms and Footer based on the client’s language.
I’m a PHP programmer myself, so i could alter some code to make this happen, but i don’t want to go editing the core right away. Updating InvoiceNinja would be a pain in the ass afterwards.
Since you’re already using i18n, can i modify a language file and add my own translation for the Terms and Footer?

It looks like the text is hard coded into resources/views/public/terms.blade.php.

To translate it you’d need to move the text to resources/lang/en/texts.php and use trans() in the blade file.

If you decide to help please create the pull request against the develop branch.

We’re talking about different things :slight_smile:
I meant the Terms and Footer on the client’s invoice.
The one’s you can configure in Settings > Invoice Settings > Default Messages > Invoice Terms (or on the create invoice / recurring page itself).

I tried configuring the terms as “texts.default_terms” and added “default_terms” to the translation file, but it doesn’t seem that this is run through trans(). I’m not familiar with Laravel and the routing system, so i’m doing trial-and-error for now, but not very efficient.
If i want to run the terms through trans(), where should i do this?

Ah, I see. trans() is typically used for application text, not user defined texts. You may be able to make it work by hacking the code…