The link to quotes takes to invoices page

Hi ,
I have modified


to send SMS to users with some details of the quote that is generated and include a link to that quote, but the link opens the invoices page instead of the quote page, the link is extracted from:

$llinkk = $this->invitation->getLink();

and is something like (https://CRM-LINK/client/quote/FPMuMBmzmKyqzOZgtjkykywzzTcEzl65) & if I click on the link it takes me to the invoice page.

Need help to make this point to the exact quote.

Ahsan Muhammad


@david any suggestions?

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I think that I am not getting the correct link or extracting wrong variable.

It may be better to use the API rather than modify the code, otherwise the changes will be erased when you update the app.

Thank you for the input mate !

ok, Since everyone is busy,
I have managed to solve it by supplying the client _hash with the URL and it directly opens the relevant quote and logs in automatically for the not-so-smart clients lol.

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