"Thank you for payment" email manual usage

This may or may not be related to my other question about if the automatic email function is working when marking an invoice paid or not:

We will be strictly entering payments manually. In my testing auto emails marking paid did not work (other post) but aside from that I don’t see an option to manually/individually send a “thank you” email for payment from the list of options in an invoice. I can email the invoice again and they get the standard invoice email showing $0 owed and another pdf invoice with paid stamp. It would be nice to be able to manually send a “thank you” email with that invoice instead. Maybe base it the email on the status of the invoice?

Which email will the automatic email option when marking paid send?


You can configure the payment email on Settings > Templates & Reminders.

Manually sending a payment email isn’t currently supported, feel free to create an issue on GitHub to request it.

oops replied on other thread…thank you for confirming will submit request.

This can be disregarded. I’m assuming this was an issue with my smtp relay.

Thank you