Templates & Reminders

Is it possible, you can only setup one general template for an invoice email?

How can I create multi templates for invoices. So I can style an email template for specific events, each with its own email style.

Also, where are the PRO-FORMA invoices? IT’s been requested since 2014 :s And it’s just a copy of INVOICE! This is important for the EU market.

You can set custom email templates on Settings > Templates & Reminders.

The dates for old issues are irrelevant, v5 is a complete rewrite of the app. Our priority is providing feature parity with v4, any new features will need to wait.

You can set custom email templates on Settings > Templates & Reminders.

yes found that, but that was not my question :slight_smile:

How do I create multi templates for the invoice, so i can choose from a list what template i’m going to use? Or is this not possible in V5 and it is possible in V4?

Are you referring to the invoice PDF or email?

To the email.

In invoiceplane we can set multi email templates. We do multi events over the year, and in invoiceplane we can set each email in the branding of the event.

Now it seems we only have one general email template and that’s it, correct? Or is their a way to do this?

It isn’t supported in v4 or v5.

In v5 we’ve added custom email templates but there are just 3.

ow that’s a pity. maybe a feature idea? To add as many as you wish. In some business cases, especially in the event industry, this would be awesome to be as creative as possible.