Template engine - pre release v5.8.38

More information here as we expand the docs:



Know that this is titled pre-release but I have upgraded my InvoiceNinja v5 (docker) to the latest v.5.8.38 but I haven’t got any of this available is there something i have to do more then pull and restart (the normal upgrade path with IN docker version).

But this looks very nice looking forward to get around to play with it.

// Mark


You may need to switch to the react interface to access the menu options?


Hi I’m already in react - always using the react interface in the web, and flutter via app (mobile/desktop) and it is missing in mine (dockerhub invoiceninja/invoiceninja:latest) and it is version 5.8.38 inspection the images that I got (INVOICENINJA_VERSION=5.8.38)

Have tried to re-pull the :latest without difference.

Only thing I could think of was to click this update now bottom but it’s “processing” and then nothing and we are back to the same I con click on upgrade again and again - but it also says I’m current at the latest.


In that case, i’ll tag a new release!

Also, if you want to tinker with some prebuilt templates, in resources/views/templates we have stored our base templates in this location:



I have just lifted to the v5.8.39 again with official upgrade method:

docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up

but with no difference in the template designer within react, but I get another experience with the info/health icon down in the left bottom.

Here I get an error about permissions .env (but that’s within the container images right ?)

And here I get an error clicking on the “a new version…” upgrade now (but again new version!!! as current is 5.8.39 and Latest is the same)

Sorry for the inconvenient but is this my environment or the docker images?
and / or can I run any command within the shell of the container to force this upgrade I thinks is pending?!?!? Sorry I’m not strong on this parts and IN structure yet.

Also just an observation but I’m missing some reports in the overview compared to your video demo… ex one like “statement”


I understand the issue here. The docker build pulls the react release file rather than the latest commit from the branch. When we tag a new release on the react repo, it will come through.


Okay I had not looked into the Dockerfile in the docker-repo but I see what you mean, it’s only taking releases, and then only builds a new images when main ninja version is bumped a version.
I see your release of the REACT, so I’ll just wait for the next release of IN 5.8.40 :wink:

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Live coding demo for creating a Delivery note. Also the docs have been expanded with all accessible variables

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