TAX Rounding for Switzerland not correct

I use v5.3.49-C73.

In most countries, invoices are issued for services or products, which, for example, are settled precisely in the Eurozone countries. For instance, you would pay €1.09 for 1 liter of milk in a supermarket in Austria. However, things are different in Switzerland.

There, a process called Rappen rounding is used. If you were to buy 1 liter of milk in Switzerland, the amount of 1.09 Swiss Francs would be rounded up to 1.10.

In the Screenshot Example the Tax “MwSt. 7.7%” should be rounded to CHF 40.45 and the Total “Gesamt” should be CHF 566.05

How can i accomplish this?

Kind regards


One option may be to add a custom surcharge called tax and manually set the correct amount.

Feel free to create an issue here to request support for this:


I am implementing this now. Just a general question. Would all payments be considered rounded to the nearest 5 also? ie. would the system need to ensure that all payments entered (and received) are also rappen rounded?

Hi David,

I think, the label for this setting is missing. Right now it is simply called “enable_rappen_rounding”. I tried both english ans german.



I didn’t know that we had this option, but I just went to look for it and the “enable_rappen_rounding” doesn’t exist in my app. I have the v5.8.46-W156 version. Did you made some custom ajustements to have that?


The screenshot is from the React app, it will be included in the next version of the Flutter app.

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Thanks @hillel !

Hi @david,

Yes, in Swizerland every invoice and payment are rounded to 5 cents.

Hi there,

Now I have the the 5 cents rounded, but, It’s not working on the invoice.
The QR-code is okay, but the total on the invoice doesn’t show the amount rounded.

You can see on the print screens here the difference.


Hello there,

No anwser to my last question and the problem is still there.

FYI… I have now the v5.10.36 and I can’t update because of an error (410: Gone • Download not yet available. Please try again shortly.).

I believe if you update by manually copying over the latest tar you can set EXPANDED_LOGGING to true in the .env file to see more info for future upgrades.

Hi @hillel ,

The update is working now…

But, I still don’t have any anwser about the rounding Tax.

I suggest following up in a discussion on GitHub

Hi there,

It’s a little mess if we need to find some information here and other there…anyway, do you have a link? I tried to search there and I couldn’t find anything about this subject.


We use the support forum to provide support for existing features, we use GitHub to track bugs and feature requests.

Here’s the link to discussions, if nothing matches a search feel free to create a new one.