In most countries, invoices are issued for services or products, which, for example, are settled precisely in the Eurozone countries. For instance, you would pay €1.09 for 1 liter of milk in a supermarket in Austria. However, things are different in Switzerland.
There, a process called Rappen rounding is used. If you were to buy 1 liter of milk in Switzerland, the amount of 1.09 Swiss Francs would be rounded up to 1.10.
In the Screenshot Example the Tax “MwSt. 7.7%” should be rounded to CHF 40.45 and the Total “Gesamt” should be CHF 566.05
I am implementing this now. Just a general question. Would all payments be considered rounded to the nearest 5 also? ie. would the system need to ensure that all payments entered (and received) are also rappen rounded?
I didn’t know that we had this option, but I just went to look for it and the “enable_rappen_rounding” doesn’t exist in my app. I have the v5.8.46-W156 version. Did you made some custom ajustements to have that?
Now I have the the 5 cents rounded, but, It’s not working on the invoice.
The QR-code is okay, but the total on the invoice doesn’t show the amount rounded.
You can see on the print screens here the difference.
I believe if you update by manually copying over the latest tar you can set EXPANDED_LOGGING to true in the .env file to see more info for future upgrades.
It’s a little mess if we need to find some information here and other there…anyway, do you have a link? I tried to search there and I couldn’t find anything about this subject.