Tasks not visible in the client portal


I have activated Tasks in the client portal.

This setting will enable _Tasks" in the client portal.

The URL behind the link is Login — Invoice Ninja and when you click it, you will be taken to the invoices-view Login — Invoice Ninja

  1. Currently there doesn’t seems to be a dashboad and clients are redirected to the invoices. Is a dashboad planned for the client portal?

  2. I guess the link for tasks is wrong. I was not abe to find the right link. Login — Invoice Ninja will get a 404 error. Does a tasks-view already exists?


PS. let me know if I need to file this as an issue at GitHub.

Hi @ecomsilio,

We’ve hidden the dashboard section in the client portal, we plan to develop this now (leave any suggestions for us here!)

We haven’t implemented the tasks section yet either… all on the todo.

cc @ben


Hey there, I’ve added this to my backlog, will update you once there’s some progress :+1:

Hi @david, hi @ben

Thanks for the quick response. For me personally the dashboard in V4 already has everything I can think of. I like the option for the clients to view/download a statement. All inportant numbers and links are displayed on the dashboard or in the top navigation.

I personally don’t need any graphs and year over year comparsions. Of course I like this kind of information in the backend but I don’t see the needs for it on the client portal.

For the tasks view I would suggest to create a table similar to the invoices table that is already available. It would be nice when the status (running, logged and invoiced) is being displayed and even better when a client can filter the status like a client can filter invoices.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:



is there already a gthub issues existing for this feature request? I couldn’t find one.


This is in my backlog & it should come into the work stage soon, thanks :+1:

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Hi @ben

I have just tested the tasks in the client portal. Right now it displays Description, Status and Duration.

  1. If a taks was assigned to a project, then the project name is not being displayed in the client portal. Can this be changed some where?

  2. How do I determine which tasks are being displayed? Right now it only displays invoiced tasks and I can’t find a setting for it.

I would like to show the taks that have not been invoiced.

Also the status in the backend changed from “done” to “invoiced” but in the client portal it still shows “done”. A filter in that view would be perfect.

I would like to show my clients all tracked times at the specific tasks that are not yet invoiced so that a client is aware of what will be billed this month. Once the invoice has sent out, the tasks is listed on the invoice and in that case I would like to have it disappeared from the tasks view in the client portal or at least being able to filter.


Thanks for reaching us @ecomsilio .
In the current code, we only show the tasks that have been invoiced, indeed.

  1. If a taks was assigned to a project, then the project name is not being displayed in the client portal. Can this be changed some where?

Sure, I added this to the backlog.

  1. How do I determine which tasks are being displayed? Right now it only displays invoiced tasks and I can’t find a setting for it.

@david @hillel should we display tasks that aren’t invoiced?

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Adding a setting sounds good to me

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@hillel @ben

So we add a setting show_all_tasks_client_portal

which toggles whether ALL tasks are displayed, or only those that have been invoiced. correct?


Idealy 3 Options:

  • all
  • only invoiced
  • all but invoiced

In my case I would like to give my customers an overview of tasks that will be invoiced with the next invoice. As soon as the tasks are invoiced, the list should be cleaned up.

When we then do again some work for the customer, a new task will appear so that the customer can see what to expect with the next invoice.

Many thanks,

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@ecomsilio so ‘show_all_tasks_client_portal’ would be a good fit for you?

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Hi @ben

In my case I would love to see an option “show_tasks_not_invoiced_(yet)_client_portal”.

Or if the client can filter the status (backlog, ready to do, in progress, done, invoiced etc.) in the client portal, than I would love to be able to set a deafult filter. In my case “all excl. invoiced”.

Thanks a lot,

Thanks for the feedback! We plan to support this…

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Hey @ecomsilio,

This just landed into v5-develop. You should be able to choose between invoiced, uninvoiced, or all.

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Hi @ben,

thanks for the filter. This is a huge help for us.

I will enter the date at the start if the description as I would like to give my clients the option to see the dates. I guess it is not possible to show the date in the table as it comes from another db table (time log) and each task can have multiple time logs on multiple days.

But maybe fot the future you could add something like this:

Many thanks and have a nice weekend,

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This looks good to me. @david @hillel thoughts?


It looks good to me as well

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looks good!!!

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Hey @ecomsilio , do you mind creating a feature request for this on GitHub? Thanks.

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