Task to Invoice Bug


I just created an invoice for a client for an expense. I then needed to add a task to it, so went into to ‘Edit Task’ and then used the ‘More Actions’ button to add the task to the same invoice as the expense. Everything looked fine, so I saved the invoice and then emailed it to the client. However, upon emailing it, the task just disappears and wasn’t actually included on the emailed invoice.

For example, if my expense was $75 and I added a task to the invoice for $100, after emailing the invoice the $100 task disappears and the invoice total only reads $75.

Oh, and this is on version 3.7.1

Thanks for catching this, I’m able to replicate the problem.

We’ll work on a fix…

Here’s the fix if you want to patch your app:


If you haven’t resaved the invoice you can correct it by running this SQL query:

update invoices set has_tasks = 1 where invoice_number = 'your number here';
