Subscriptions, guest checkout, registration and the need to login

So I’m running the hosted version and I’m trying to find a way to have customers pay for subscriptions/one off purchases but have the option to self register on the client portal if they want to…

Right now, it seems that if the client portal is on, then people need to register/login before paying for a subscription which seems to be counter-intutive…

Is there a way to setup subscriptions and the client portal that people can either pay first and not register, or make the registration process happen after payment information has been recevied?

Ok, scrap that, it seems that if you enter a unique email when clicking login on the product page for a subscription, you are then shown the payment options…

So is there any way to edit the text of the “Login” button for subscriptions or add some explanatory text below?

@david do you have any suggestions?


Yes there could be room for improvement here. The initial thought around subscriptions was to offer a super low friction purchase process, hence why we only require the email address initially.

You could disable all the client registration fields, and then they’ll only be required to enter their email address.

Cool, that helps, but asking people to login when they’ve not registered first is a little weird… Any chance it can be changed to Next which will make more sense to the actual process itself given that some customers will and other won’t be logging in…


Yep we’ll get that changed to next.

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