The subscriptions V2 is really great. We plan to use it in a very short term. Here are the issues / questions we identified :
Unable to pay by stripe (v2 only) :
Click on a subscription link (and that include the subscription invoiceninja is using to charge for whitelabel ;o) )
add the /v2 at the end of the URI
Validate the email
Click on credit card (in my case: stripe)
==> The right form reloads and you cannot go futher in the process
Using another payment method like Paypal works
Automatic VAT calculation (doesn’t work on subscription v1).
Enable “Calculate TAX” in TAX Settings
Enable All regions (TAX All)
Set Seller Subregion to “France”
Click on the subscription Link
==> The VAT applied is always 20% (French VAT) even if you select a country where the value should be 0%. (US or Germany)
Manage subscription (Question):
When clicking on a subscription in the client portal we see a section called " Manage Plan - Upgrade or downgrade your current plan" but it’s all greyed-out ? how can we enable it ?
Rename Client Name to Company Name and make it optional (Feature request)
When collecting the Client information it would be great to let the “Client Name” always available but optional as we cannot really tell in advance if the client is going to be enteprise or retail (no company name)
Also if “Client Name” could be renamed “Company name” at that stage it will probably make more sense in a client standpoint.
Just tried /v3, the new design is neat and smoother
Use case
Some context about our usecase, which I think is fairly generic :
We are looking to provide a subscription to pay on a monthly or yearly basis for storage capacity like 1TiB / month = $XX.
The customer from our storage plateform can click on a button to manage its plan (add/remove capacity)
He is redirected to an invoiceninja subscription link.
He can change and select the storage capacity.
The first time he adds capacity, we collect the client/billing infos.
The payment is confirmed for the first month trigger a webhook on the storage platform to increase the capacity.
Recurring Product are not passed to the gateway.
When there is no one time product, the gateway will failed ($0 payment)
When the plan as one time + recurring, only the onetime is included in the payment instead of onetime+first month
Left Pane items order
one time is shown below recurring IMHO, the order should be : Onetime->Recurring->Optionnal Onetime->Optional Recurring
The VAT should be displayed before the payment is made
Client name
Seems optional when you register
Is mandatory when collecting payment details)
Could we have an option for switching between Monthly / Yearly payement with a discount for yearly ?
Manage subscription
When clicking on a subscription in the client portal we see a section called " Manage Plan - Upgrade or downgrade your current plan" but it’s all greyed-out ? how can we enable it ?
not related to v3, but in when modifying the subscription from the macOS desktop client. We got an error : “The Step Field is required”
PS : let me know if you prefer to open different threads or if we keep everything here :
First of all, a big thank you to the developers for the new version. I have to say V2 was already much more usable than V1, but Version 3 really makes it worthwhile for me to switch my maintenance contracts to the new process.
Also, thanks to S0nik42 for the detailed reports on what is already possible and what isn’t. After I updated, I took another close look at the new version.
What I just saw…
In my recent test, it worked. Both one-time and recurring products were passed on.
The order was correct for me now, but the German translation is missing here, or do I need to make a setting?
Regarding the VAT issue, if I saw it correctly, the price including VAT is now shown before entering the payment details. It would be nicer if there was a breakdown on the side where both recurring and one-time payments are listed as a total amount.
You can already set the customer’s name to be required during registration. Settings > Client Portal > Register
No updates.
Unlike S0nik42, my customers can’t see or modify any subscriptions; the list remains completely empty: “No entries.”
My Feedback / Requests
I created a separate group for the payment link to generate personalized invoices since our maintenance contracts always need to specify a service period, which varies per customer. I have already designed a template for this. Either I haven’t set all the settings correctly, but currently, it defaults back to the standard template. The same goes for the invoice terms, which are also adjusted because we use SEPA direct debit for auto-billing, and information about the Creditor ID and Mandate ID must be on the invoice.
Is there a way for an order confirmation to be sent out along with the invoice when the customer orders something through the link, instead of just a payment confirmation? This could avoid confusion.
I would like to have the ability to create a project with the payment link, which then updates a project with new times for the month. Our maintenance contracts can have time limitations, and currently, we manage this manually.
I’m using Stripe and GoCardless for my payment gateways. I just set up another payment link to double check if the recurring payment tomorrow will occur and go through.
While setting up the other link, I noticed that when the customer saves bank details or card details, those will not be used by the payment link option. The customer has to enter those details again.
Edit: Forgot to attache the screenshots yesterday.
Update: So, as the screenshot from Sunday shows, the client will be charged daily. I just checked, and no new client charge was created for those items.
Update 29.05
Something is either miss configured on my side or the option is not right implemented. The recurring charges will be charged the customer right way but after that no recurring fee is charged.
Update 30.05
@david I just doubled check no recurring invoices will be setup via the payment link I just made another test buy and the admin panel shows the following: