Stuck on grey screen-rotating circle

When I try to open invoice ninja on any machine, i get a gray screen and a spinning circle and nothing more. Been trying to open it for hours now. I upgraded thinking that might help, it did not.

Am I missing something?

EDIT currently running 5.5.32


Are there any errors in the browser console?

If you add ?clear_local=true to the URL you should be able to try logging in again.

Not that I noticed. Just a grey screen in the browser and a spinning wheel in the app. It fails even with adding ?clear_local=true to the end of the URL.

Are you sure the page is fully loaded? It does load for me but takes a long time.

I suggest using the network tab in the browser console to check.

I have one machine that has been “loading” for the last hour.

Im trying to load it on multiple machines now. You say you can get the screen to load? Why, pray tell, is it that I cannot?

Trying to paste the contents of the browser console here gives me an error message about new users only being able to post one link?

Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.

I see an error about a missing favicon but that can be ignored.

I also see that… I can add a favicon if it will help?

Do you see all requests complete in the network tab?

to mee it looks like it keeps timing out…

I would paste the results from the browser console but this online forum keeps telling me I am a new user and cannot post more than 2 links?

Now I have a login screen! When I try to login tho it times out…

TimeoutException after 0:01:00.000000: Future not completed

@david any thoughts?

it let me recover my password, and now it wont let me login. whenever I try i get TimeoutException after 0:01:00.000000: Future not completed

Not sure if this is helpful, but I installed another instance of invoice ninja in a different folder just now just to see if THAT would work. Its a new install, never even been logged into, and it does the very same thing. I just need to create one invoice! Ive been at this for the last five hours. I am running out of hair to pull out.

Please advise

Maybe the server has very limited CPU or memory? The app should load much more quickly, you can compare here:

Oh i agree, it used to load very fast!

Should I contact my server provider?

I think it’s worth asking them

thanks. Ive submitted a ticket to namecheap, we will see what comes of it.

Thanks for your help hillel! I guess I will go manually create this invoice on WORD or something so my customer can have what he needs.


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TimeoutException after 0:01:00.000000: Future not completed

It lets me see the signin screen now, but gives me the error above and never lets me sign in when I try.

I have no idea what to do…