Hi there,
I’m testing InvoiceNinja, and I like it so far. But there is one custom field I need, and I’m not yet sure how to do it.
When paying directly, my customers must provide a so-called Structured Creditor Reference number. It’s a 10 year old standard in European bank transfers. Details here, if you’re interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creditor_Reference
How to create: https://www.mobilefish.com/services/creditor_reference/creditor_reference.php
So in my case it is a simple addition to the invoice number. Invoice# 1002 -> Reference# RF351002
What is the best way to implement?
In invoice template editing I only see options for layout, not for calculation. Is there a way to import data from an outside source via SOAP, something like:
field content set as https://myonlinecrcalculator.com/?in=1002, and this website returns <RF351002> (I would setup domain this myself of course)
Must I go self-hosted and hack it into the code myself?
Maybe I should setup a custom gateway for this, but I would like it to be visible on the PDF.
Or maybe I’m lucky and this is already built-in and I haven’t found it yet? Or maybe in the pipeline of the next big update? After all this is a common payment standard.
the RF is build by “Modulo 97” from a given String - that would be no problem, if i could ‘calcutale’ them in PHP. But where… ?
One Possability would be, to set the invoice-number based on them: so, something like:
therefor i would generate a new $variable wich i managed in ( app/Models/Traits/GeneratesNumbers.php) with the following lines:
BUT. I need to generate the Modulo out of the 3 Variables ({$year}{$clientIdNumber}{$clientCounter})
and at that place in PHP i was not able to access the variables. How could i?
an Example:
year: 2020
cliendIdNumber: 1111
clientCounter: 0001
Modulo 97 of 202011110001 is 87
so the invoice-number would be.
works fine on the site: [ninja-url]/settings/invoice_settings
with the schema: RF{$year}{$clientIdNumber}{$clientCounter}-{$modulob}
i get the example: RF202099010002-202099010002 which is perfect. (also the modulo would work)
but when i create a new invoice => [ninja-url]/invoices/create
he generats RF202099020012-2020{$clientIdNumber}{$clientCounter}