Stripe ACH payment not updating in Invoice Ninja

I had a client Pay via ACH on Stripe. the transaction enters Invoice Ninja as pending, but does not update when stripe confirms the payment. I can’t change its status either.

can anyone provide insight as to why this is happening?


Have you added the webhooks in Stripe?

I have added the payment-intent.succeeded event to the invoice ninja webhook, but cannot see a way to send the event to that webhook after the event has been sent. I can only send events that have been sent to the webhook previously

The app doesn’t have a way to trigger past events.

@david any thoughts to solve this?

Stripe doesn’t resend webhooks, so the payment will need to be manually marked as paid.

Ok, so I Can’t mark the Payment as completed, do I just delete the pending payment and apply a manual one?


Two options.

  1. Update the database directly changing the status_id from 1 to 4
  2. Delete payments and recreate.