Softaculous upgrade v2.6.7 to v2.6.8 causing error after login


I’ve just upgraded my IN release to v2.6.8 via Softaculous, and am now getting a “Whoops, looks like something went wrong.” error message after logging in. Softaculous also doesn’t seem to have take the backup I requested it to, so need to find a way to roll back or fix the issue.

Any help would be appreciated.

Rich @ Daxijack

Please check storage/logs/laravel-error.log for details about the error.

You can also try to manually update by loading /update (or /public/update) in your browser.

Just reviewed the error log file, and it’s massive and I don’t understand a word of it! I can post here if it helps.

Loading /public/updates give the following error:
SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'refunded' (SQL: alter tablepaymentsaddrefundeddecimal(13, 2) not null, addpayment_status_idint unsigned not null default '4', addrouting_numberint unsigned null, addlast4smallint unsigned null, addexpirationdate null, addgateway_errortext null, addemailvarchar(255) null, addpayment_method_idint unsigned null)

Try commenting out line 60, and possibly the ones after, in the following file and reload /update.


I have commented out line 60:

And have also tried commenting out from line 60 to line 75 (the end of the Schema::create(‘payment_methods’, function($table))

I am still getting the following error:
SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name ‘refunded’ (SQL: alter table payments add refunded decimal(13, 2) not null, add payment_status_id int unsigned not null default ‘4’, add routing_number int unsigned null, add last4 smallint unsigned null, add expiration date null, add gateway_error text null, add email varchar(255) null, add payment_method_id int unsigned null)

Sorry, I gave you the wrong line number. That was for 2.6.7, for 2.6.8 the line number is 80.

OK thanks.

Commented lines 80-91:
/* $table->decimal(‘refunded’, 13, 2);


        $table->foreign('payment_method_id')->references('id')->on('payment_methods'); */

Getting following error:

SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name ‘client_enable_auto_bill’ (SQL: alter table invoices add client_enable_auto_bill tinyint(1) not null default ‘0’)

You need to keep commenting…

Sorry for the trouble, the problem has been fixed in the current release but it affect earlier v2.6.x releases.

To where? I’ve tried to lines 116 and 173, but just get the Whoops message when going to /update.

Can you check storage/logs/laravel-error.log for more details.