Small questions about the payment of the white lable


I looked at your licenses at Free Source Available Invoicing, Expenses & Time-Tracking | Invoice Ninja and realized that I am Bob and Sally in one person :slight_smile:

So far so good, but now I have a little question about Sally :wink:

A customer of mine wants to use Invoiceninja and this of course also as WhiteLable version.

Unfortunately, in Germany here as a GmbH you do not necessarily have a business PayPal account or a business credit card.

May I now license this version through me as a service provider and then charge my customer for this?

I am allowed to charge the hosting fees and maintenance work, if I have understood the Sally example correctly.

I would be pleased about a positive feedback.

Many greetings


Yes, we support and encourage web hosts to deploy the application for their users.

The basic premise is 1 installation per “client”, and no removal of branding unless a white label license is purchased.


I had understood that correctly so far.
The “problem” is now the purchase of the whitelable license.
My customer wants this, but as a new GmbH he unfortunately has neither PayPal nor credit card on the same.

Therefore the question whether I can pay this license for him and then charge him or whether that would violate the license terms?

As long as the white label is purchase, I don’t think it matters who purchases this.