Showing TAX amount on Line Item


We are looking to show the tax value not the tax percentage on our line items as our clients prefer to see the VAT(tax) value for each of the items.

Thanks In Advance


I don’t believe this is currently supported.

@david thoughts on adding this as an option product column?

Thanks @hillel for your response.

It would be great if it could be added because now I’m going to have to look at alternative software to do our invoices which is a shame :frowning:


Same here i want this option because i am force to search an alternative. And i think is easy to make this modifing Gross Line with Tax amount.


@hillel @david

Do you know anything about this? Because my client ask me to fix my invoice and only solutions is to remove invoice ninja and search for another application.

Something like this need in Romania:


I am still searchig in your code to modify this on my invoice and i can’t find where to modify , but i don’t give UP, i made some translation for Romanian Languages :d


You’ll need to look at the files


There is a calcTaxes() method where we calculate these values.

You would need to append a new property to the InvoiceItem.php class called item_tax_amount

This would then store this value in the Invoice object for later use when displaying the data on the PDF.

It will take some time for me to do this because i am new in php code, i know only with oracle database and application :smiley: but i will try to find a person who know very good php code :dagger:

Can you tell me how much cost me to implement this? I love so much this application and i want to use for manage my company


I did it :d

But now i need to custom with separator and RON symbol :d

Can you tell me where need to modify for take format like Total? now is 2817.51 and i want to be something like 2,817.51 RON


it sounds like you are close,



you can use the helper

Number::formatMoney($value, $entity);

within the method:


Don’t work, bu i will let how is now on invoice, maybe on future you will add this tax price on item official.

Because is very simple for you to add this and i think will not take much time for you to add this

After i do this where need to apear my new class? Because in Invoice Design i don’t find that class, to work i modify custom_value1 beacuse this work.

This is where i add item_tax_amount:

Line 637 on CompanySettings.php

public static function getEntityVariableDefaults() :stdClass

here is where we define the columns to include on the PDFs

            'product_columns' => [

In the product columns array, you’ll want to add a field


you’ll need to ensure you create the line item with this key also,


so that it reference the column correctly.

And this will need to be in InvoiceItem.php or in InvoiceItemSum.php ?

O here i need to add InvoiceItemFactory.php ?



Yes, you’ll need to define it in all those places including InvoiceItemSumInclusive.php


I put in all file but no result, i will stay with custom_value until you release a update with this function.

This is all my result:

I will update applcation when this function is on release notes and then i will pay White Label. And after that i will help you to translate to Romanian all application.

Thanks for all help

One more question

Do you know how i can format a Custom Value from Product Field?

Example Product Field number 2

I made this change in InvoiceItemSum.php to automatic calculate tax amount per item

But format is not like rest of my Invoice, do you have any idea where need to make this format?

I tried here MakesInvoiceValues.php , but no result.


for this who want to use item tax per product i manage to change something to application but for me gross line don’t need in Romania because is on Total Invoice the same value, so who want to make this work with Item Tax per product go and modify InvoiceItemSum.php and search for

private function calcTaxes()

And then at this line:

$this->item->gross_line_total = $this->getLineTotal() + $item_tax;

edit like this one:

$this->item->gross_line_total = $item_tax;

Then go to Settings → Localization and for Gross Line put something like Taxe Value or what you need and then on Invoice you will have Item Tax per product but when will be a new update need to make same things to work again


Any news in this subject? @hillel @david