Set items units?

Is it possible to have units for the items in an invoice ?

Maybe you can use a custom field?

It would be a good idea to add it in a next release, because some items have number, some have Kg, some have squere meters etc…

If you use a custom field you can add the specific units you’d like to use.

We support using a dropdown by setting the value to something like Units|,Kg,…

I did it.
Thank you.
Can you help me how to show these measuring units in the invoice ?

You can set the fields shown on the invoice on Settings > Invoice Design > Product Fields.

Looks great now.
Thank you so much !!

Great to hear, thanks for letting us know!


Just to make it more compact and save some space, here is a way, how to stack the quantity and unit in single column using the footer script:

  1. Create first custom field “Unit” in product custom fields
  2. Add script to a footer of template:
    let productTable = document.querySelector("#product-table tbody");
    let productRows = productTable.querySelectorAll("tr");

    // loop through each product row
    productRows.forEach(function (row) {
    let quantityColumn = row.querySelector("td[data-ref='product_table-product.quantity-td']");    
    let unitColumn = row.querySelector("td[data-ref='product_table-product.product1-td']");

    // merge the content of quantity and unit columns
    quantityColumn.innerHTML = quantityColumn.textContent + "  " + unitColumn.textContent;		

    // remove the unit column

    // hide the unit header
    let unitHeader = document.querySelector("th[data-ref='product_table-product.product1-th']"); = "none";