Sending multiple invoices

I’m on v5.3.25 and just prepared two invoices to the same customer:

  1. prepped first invoice and saved as draft
  2. prepped second invoice and saved as draft
  3. pressed Email Invoice on the first invoice
  4. got a preview of the email to be sent (Initial Email) which had the amount correct, but
  5. the PDF preview was that of the second invoice

After some trying I got around this behavior by editing, saving, and sending first invoice, then editing, saving, and sending second invoice. Apparently Email Invoice always shows the PDF of the last saved invoice in the preview instead of the PDF for that invoice. I haven’t tried if it would also send the wrong PDF or if the email would have the correct PDF attached, as I didn’t want to bother my customer.


Thanks for reporting this! We’ll make sure it’s corrected.

@david any thoughts on this? I initially thought it may be an admin portal bug but if the selection was wrong in the app I’d expect both the email and PDF previews to be incorrect. This seems like it may be a caching issue.