removing paypemt methods

in germany we do not need the whole payment methods.

how can we delete

American Express
Carte Blanche
Diners Card
Discover Card


It isn’t supported, you’d need to modify the database/clear the cache after each release.

thx how can i do this?

Delete the records in the database and then add ?clear_cache=true to the URL.

Note: this hasn’t been tested, use this at your own risk…

The table is payment_types

ok thx that works…

but in my select fields is now => texts.payment_type_Bank Überweisung

i translated it but wont work

You can’t change the values in the table, translations are managed here:

ok works fine. thx for that

how can i change the rows to non alphabetic ?

I don’t understand

i mean the order of the multiselect box
currently its alphanumeric
can i change it to my default
bank transfer to the top of the multiselect?

You’d need to modify the code.

Note: if you haven’t noticed you can set the default payment type at the bottom of /settings/company_details