Remove unnecessary country currency symbol


Would it be possible to implement an activate/deactivate country currency symbol toggle option ?

My business sits in Canada and sells to canadian customers only. It feels unnecesary to have a C in front of each price. ex C$100.00


We’re looking into adding the option to show the currency code (USD) rather than symbol ($) but we don’t have any plans to support removing the symbol entirely.

If you’re self hosting the app you can change the value in the currencies table. Note: after doing so you’d need to clear the cache by adding ?clear_cache=true to the end of the URL.

Well, actually I wasn’t clear. I dont want to remove the currency symbol ($) completely.

My intention is to have the option to remove the letter “C” in front of the price. It does appear when selecting Canadian dollars as default currency. Actually, there is no letter in front of the prices when selecting Aus dollars nor US dollars, neither British pound for example.

Could be something like :
Display currency code: yes|no
Display Currency Code : before price | after price

In french currency symbol is placed after prices. ex 250.00 $


We determine the placement of the symbol based on a combination of the currency and the client’s country.

Would displaying the currency code instead work for you?

If C$ isn’t a common convention we could look into changing it to $.

We determine the placement of the symbol based on a combination of the currency and the client’s country.
Currency symbol placement is not based simply on currency or country but language too. Again with my example, in Canada, in english you would display $ 250.00 and in french 250.00 $ (here for englishand there for french recommandations)
Would displaying the currency code instead work for you?
Again, letting me choose would be the best option. My business is canadian only, so the currency code is not necessary. I suppose for other canadian businesses doing business with other countries, that would be mandatory.

As for the convention, I suppose you should stick with international conventions with 2 or 3 character codes


Thanks for the links, should we consider changing C$ to Can$

Are you self hosting or using, you have a lot more control if you self host the app.

According to international conventions, you should use a 3 letters code. In that case, it would be CAD for Canada, AUD for Autralia, USD for US … IMO, you should stick with international conventions which are internationaly recognized as normative.

But that was not my initial point which was to have the choice to display or not the currency code. Again with what could be implemented by you guys in /settings/localization :
Display currency code: yes|no (radio button or toggle)
Display Currency Code : before price | after price (radio button or toggle)

And I would add to this
Symbol used to separate thousands: (empty field to let user specify a space " " or a coma “,” or whatever conventional symbol)
Symbol used to separate decimals: (empty field to let user specify a period “.” or a coma “,” or whatever conventional symbol)

These options are also language specific.

I do self host IN. But my point here is to give you guys some insights about localization issues that non-english speakers do encounter frequently on different english centric projects. These problematic are sometimes critical when doing business and with which we often don’t find any resolutions or interest from developers (shame on Wave for that ! Which is a canadian app btw).

I try not to work only for myself here. Isn’t what open source philosophy is all about.


Thanks, we appreciate your feedback!

We’ll consider these changes for a future release.

I am in Canada as well and agree with Alex especially the International designation CAD, and ability to add or remove commas etc However being from Alberta i don’t really care about the ability to put the currency symbol behind the value, but options are always welcome.

However one other more important to me feature i would be rounding to the nearest dollar i have used a few system that have this ability and think it would be a nice addition.

Thanks for all the input, please keep it coming…

Hi. I’m reviving this 3 years later.
Any plans on fixing this problem?
Thank you!