Reminder Copy to Company Mail

okay now i`ve tested many thinks but no mail copy on reminders (all 3)

@david do you have any suggestions?

another thing that i found out is, that i have diffrent Sender Name, just in new Invoice mail as set in the E-Mail settings


New invoices send mail with the awnser to name instead of sender name from the email settings


Just to confirm this, are you saying that for reminder emails, the client is sent the email, but the user in the BCC list is not receiving an email?

yes but i can`t confirm that the software are really sending the mail to the clients… i have add the last reminder sent date in the invoice list and there is the correct date inserted but i can`t say there is a mail outgoing to my clients

okay it`confirmed by my self, i have created a invoice on 19. June and set reminder to send after 3 day after the due date and nothing happens.

The Software set the Last Sent date but doesn`t sent the mail


firing manully the reminder it works

any solution or is it just in my case ?

@david any thoughts?


I’m not sure on this. I have not been able to recreate the issue.

@david okay i`ll do another test… today i have create a invoice with an due date for today in 3 days i hope the reminder are sent…in the laravel log are nothing and the Overview > System-Log Tab are empty


I would highly recommend enabling extended logging so that you can see all of the cron jobs and their logs… this will tell you exactly what is happening.

To enable, in your .env file:


You’ll then see detailed output in storage/logs/invoiceninja.log

okay it`s enabled… i come back with detailed informations

Hi @david after 6 days there is no extented logging in /storage/logs and reminders are still not being sent


What is your cron configuration?

can you confirm it is * * * * *

Also, can you advise if there is a file in storage/logs/ folder called invoiceninja.log

This would be the location for the expanded logging,

Also, and this may be important, it looks like in my instructions i have given you the incorrect .env var


should really be


okay you`re right there was a typo, it`s changed and now i wait a few days… :smiley:

Hi @david,

enclosed attached my invoiceninja.log as txt file


invoiceninja.txt (99.8 KB)

@sven.j @meisterkeks

I believe you are seeing the same issue here with this.

@sven.j could you please provide the reminder schedules you have configured, i’ll create a test environment to try and understand what is happening here so we can resolve this.

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yes i can, but today i found the client specific setting there is all set to default it could be possible this is blocking the global configuration, i`ll try to setup my testaccount and wait for another 2 days

here my Client Specific Config for reminders

here my global config for reminders

my E-Mail Settings

and my cron runs every 5 minutes

Let me know if you need more

hi, could it be that the PHP Version missmatch is the reason?

PHP Version from SSH Terminal

PHP Version (CLI) from InvoiceNinja Systemcheck