Recurring invoices not generated using the current exchange rate

First of all congratulations for doing such a great job with Invoice Ninja.
I’ve started using Invoice Ninja and noticed that when a new recurring invoice is generated from a product with a currency which is different from the client’s currency, the exchange rate is not automatically updated and the final price is incorrect.

For example:

  1. Our main currency is EUR and we have created a new product having a price value of 100 EUR.
  2. When creating a new recurring invoice from the above product, the “Exchange Rate” field is automatically populated and the final price is calculated correctly - The client’s currency is GBP.
  3. When a new invoice is generated from the recurring invoice, the “Exchange rate” is not updated to reflect the value from the issuing (generation) date. Therefore the final price is not correctly calculated.

Am I doing something wrong or this feature is not yet supported?

Thank you

The feature is not supported, feel free to request it on GitHub.

Thank you!