Recover your password results in Your session has expired.

Hi there,

Not sure if this is a known issue. I just installed the latest version of IN v4.0.1 (White labeled) and when clients click the “Recover your password” link from a new browser session they get the error message “Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.” Additionally, customers are confused because they didn’t enter their email address and no email is received.


This should be fixed in our next major release.

So you know when that it planned for considering this version was just released. This seems like a major bug to leave for a major release update.

We try to create new releases every 4 to 6 weeks.

We’ll consider including this change with a minor release.

Is there an expected timeline for when the next major release will be out that fixes this issue? THanks!

Are you seeing this error in v4.5.9?

… I will assume so. I am on the hosted version. I couldn’t locate a version number…

It may be related to cookies, have you tried testing using a different browser

I had not. But to your implied suggestion I just tried a new browser on the same computer… same result. I tried this on a new computer that I had not yet previously used for invoiceninja… same result. The session has expired. I can confirm everything is completed within minutes of receiving the reset link. Thanks!

Are you opening the invoice link and the reset link in the same browser?