Rebuilding admin-portal with language changes

so past few days i’ve been trying to add some translation to the admin-portal while I wait for updated translations to be pulled from transifex.
how ever I can’t load invoiceninija with my self compiled admin-portal.
a few things I’m confused on:

  1. how to enable different language in demo admin portal (starts by running flutter run) to confirm my changes working.
  2. which files are needed to be replaced in invoice ninja folder to use my self compiled frontend (just copying everything compiled to public folder doesn’t seem to work.)
    3.what are the default username and password for react based frontend demo (npm run dev)


  1. The available languages are defined here but any new languages would also need to be added to the backend.

  2. The main file is public/main.foss.dart.js

  3. GitHub - invoiceninja/admin-portal: Invoice Ninja client built with Flutter