quote view add field / BN Number

is there a possibility to add in the complete quote view the BN Number nearby to the invoice number?
because we wanne give the quote a name, that we can find it easier when we have alot of quotes in trhe system its hard to find a project

can you tell me the model controller and the view to modify?


ok found it thx

and where is the view to modify the coloumns count

Same file

i added this po_number but it wont work… normally i must edit the table for an addional td tag

                $entityType == ENTITY_INVOICE ? 'invoice_number' : 'quote_number',
                function ($model) use ($entityType) {
                    if (! Auth::user()->can('viewByOwner', [ENTITY_INVOICE, $model->user_id])) {
                        return $model->invoice_number.'<br>'.$model->po_number;

                    $str = link_to("{$entityType}s/{$model->public_id}/edit", $model->invoice_number, ['class' => Utils::getEntityRowClass($model)])->toHtml();
                    return $this->addNote($str, $model->private_notes);
                function ($model) {
                    return Utils::fromSqlDate($model->po_number);
                function ($model) {
                    if (! Auth::user()->can('viewByOwner', [ENTITY_CLIENT, $model->client_user_id])) {
                        return Utils::getClientDisplayName($model);

                    return link_to("clients/{$model->client_public_id}", Utils::getClientDisplayName($model))->toHtml();
                ! $this->hideClient,

You’ll need to include the field here:


thx so much

can you give me a hint where i place the additional to show me the po_number?

I’m not sure I understand, you should only need to change those two files.

perfect works…

is it possible also to search in invoice items?

i added this and it works

->orWhere('invoices.po_number', 'like', '%'.$filter.'%');

what to add for search in invoice items?

thx so much

The same should work for the terms field

that does not work

->orWhere('invoices.item', 'like', '%'.$filter.'%');

also not working

->orWhere('invoices.items', 'like', '%'.$filter.'%');

Sorry, I misread. That would be more complicated.