Quote PDF failed to open stream: Permission denied

URL after creating a quote: client/quote/VZXf9xjX2dotkx4L98xU71Q1wdQ5Fb3m/download_pdf

{“message”:“file_put_contents(/xxxx/xxxxxx/public/storage/npeizbr7kfahcgby6ne4okxjvvbjpusn/o0iwgwfIuz3rLL5BAVT65wrCx2iDw6fqJ0xPAkIN/bhtqbt01ril1gy14t4gjap39qgtne1ge/quotes/00000431.pdf): failed to open stream: Permission denied”}

It seems it has generated the file as root?
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 153321 Jul 21 16:12 00000431.pdf


@david can you please advise?


Most likely your queues are running as root, not the webuser

good point! I will check that!