Questions about Invoice numbers / adding items to invoices

Hi there,
after playing around with InvoiceNinja for a while I found some things I have questions about.

  1. Invoice Numbers
    I found out that invoice numbers are created / assigned at the moment when a new invoice is saved as draft. Sometimes I create drafts (more than one), add some items within one or two weeks and then I finish the invoice.
    Is it possible to only assign an invoice number when the invoice is saved “finally”. Otherwise the order of invoices will not be correct or I have to manually check.

  2. Adding Items from time tracking
    Is it possible to add an item from time tracking when I have already started creating the invoice either with products or with time tracking items?

  3. Adding an Item to an invoice with items from time tracking adds a new separated items table. This seems to be a separation between services and products. As I mostly sell services and not products I would like to have them all in one place. Anyway it looks weird to me having two separated tables in one invoice. Is it possible to put everything into one table?

  4. I just read in the docs that I can only send recurring invoices automatically to clients with stripe enabled? Is that correct? If yes: Why? I do not need online payment at all at the moment.

Thanks for your help

  1. I have set InvoiceNinja to use the comma “,” as decimal. Anyway I cannot enter numbers with a comma but must use the decimal point “.” when entering numbers. Can I change this anywhere?
  1. It isn’t supported.

  2. If you assign the task to a client you can click ‘More action’ on the edit task page to add it to an invoice.

  3. You’d need to add the products to the tasks section of the invoice.

  4. That isn’t correct, where did you read it?

  5. Sorry, no:

FYI… we hope to fix #5 soon

Hello Hillel,

thanks once again for your reply! Very helpful.

I`m sorry I missunderstood “autobilling” to be the feature to automatically send recurring invoices. My mistake…

#1 would be the most important feature for me. But anyway I can also pay more attention to invoice numbers when creating them.


Hello Hillel,

I have some more questions concerning the design templates for PDFs:

  1. How can I rename “custom 1” to something like “Invoice - Recurring”
  2. Can I also modify the existing default templates (Clean, Photo…) and use them as custom templates? Can they be renamed? If not: Can I delete them or hide them from the selection in the document creation pages?
  3. Would that be update-safe or will the templates be overwritten with upcoming updates?
  4. Can I have more than three custom templates?

Thank you once again!!

  1. We don’t currently support naming the custom designs
  2. It may be possible but the app isn’t designed to support it
  3. The update would overwrite it

The designs are stored in storage/templates, running php artisan db:seed --class=UpdateSeeder reads the designs from the files and loads them into the database. If you make changes you’d also need to clear the cache by adding ?clear_cache=true to the URL.

1. Invoice Numbers I found out that invoice numbers are created / assigned at the moment when a new invoice is saved as draft. Sometimes I create drafts (more than one), add some items within one or two weeks and then I finish the invoice. Is it possible to only assign an invoice number when the invoice is saved “finally”. Otherwise the order of invoices will not be correct or I have to manually check.

I had the same problem too and I had a solution I create a quote BUT first go into Invoice Settings > Quote, and uncheck “Share invoice counter.” then I just create a new quote with all the service I give for the current months and at the end of the mont when I’m ready to send the invoice I convert the Quote to an invoice and this way the invoice numbers are keep ordered.

But having a draft mode for invoice that don’t use/ignore invoice number would be lot more intuitive and straightforward IMO.

Thanks for sharing your workaround!

FYI… we plan to correct this in v2.

FYI.. we plan to correct this in v2.

V2 or V5 ?


I’m confused since right now on Github we have the version v4.5.12 ???

Most of users are on our hosted platform, they aren’t aware which specific version of the software they’re using. This new version has been labeled v2 to signify it’s a complete rewrite. Calling it v5 would have been confusing to the majority of out users. ‘v2’ has clear meaning, ‘v5’ does not.

Ahhhh ! When the release of V2 is scheduled ?

Sorry, no ETA yet…