Qr-code in a second page

Hello there,

I found a nice way with the QR-code for the invoice, but, my problem now is when I have some products/services the numbers go over the section of the QR-code and I was looking for a code or something that makes the QR-code in the second page of the PDF if the content is too large. (printscreen)

I saw that there’s a “pagebreak” code, but, I have no Idea how or where to put it.

Can someone help me with that?

<div class="page-break"></div>

Hello Lucaw…

but, there’s an “If” somewhere?
because, how it will know where to break the page?

Hi @cavetech

In the “Content-Section” (after the last closing div):

<div class="page-break" contenteditable="false"></div>

<div style="position: fixed; margin-top: 172mm; width: 100%;">

This makes always a Page Break and put the SwissQR on the next page to the bottom.

In the "Includes-Section“:

    @page {
        margin-left: 0cm;
        margin-right: 0cm;
        margin-top: 2cm;
        margin-bottom: 0cm;
        size: $page_size $page_layout;

    @page :first {
        /* You can only change the size, margins, orphans, widows and page breaks here */

        /* Paper size and page orientation */
        size: A4 portrait;

        /* Margin per single side of the page */
        margin-left: 0cm;
        margin-top: 0cm;
        margin-right: 0cm;
        margin-bottom: 2cm;

    /* Defines a class for manual page breaks via inserted .page-break element */
    div.page-break {
        page-break-after: always;
    #qr-bill {
        width:100% !important;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        border-collapse: collapse;
        color: #000;

    #qr-bill td {
        max-width: none;

This defines the SwissQR that it shows the whole page width and sets the Margin for the 1st page and all other pages.

I hope this could solve your question…


1 Like

Hello @checkitsedo ,

Thank you… yes, that helps…

I don’t really want to do the page break always, just in the case where I put a lot of content int the first page so… Something conditional… I’ll try with this…

But, thanks…

Hello @checkitsedo ,

It doesn’t work.
The QR-code appears in 2 pages, not just in the second one!.

Hi @cavetech
Sorry for the late response - I had a lot of other projects… Did you find a solution in the meanwhile?

Hi @checkitsedo , yes… it’s working.

Would be nice if you share your soluten. Thanks!

Hello @Schmitti,
I did a lot of changes… but I think is something like this.

In the “body”

<div class="page-break" contenteditable="false"></div>

<div style="position: fixed; margin-top: 152mm;width: 100%;">

And for the CSS

 #qr-bill {
        width:100% !important;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        border-collapse: collapse;
        color: #000;
        height:100mm !important;
width:32mm !important;
border-right: 0.75pt dashed black !important;

border-bottom: 0.75pt dashed black !important;
div.page-break {
        page-break-after: auto;

I’m not sure is all I did, because I changed a lot to have that working… If this not work for you I can send you all the code.

And, for information, I have my QR-code on the second page, it let me more space on the first.

Obviously please do not start with “div” in CSS-style-section. Just let it be a dot to start the page-break-class-section.

Is it right that the CSS-style-IDs qr-bill and qr-bill-receipt are not in use in the body?

I guess the QR-code-section shell always be on a new page at the top, am I guessing right?

OK, in general your class will do it’s job. I’m on it. Just give me 5 minutes.

Do you use a default design or a customized one? It looks like you put the QR-code-section into the repeating footer. Otherwise it wouldn’t appear on every page.


Actually, I made a lot of changes to have the QR-code in the second page, I can’t remember all the changes I made.

But I started with a default design, the “modern” one. Then I made my changes…
If you need I can send you all the code.


Good morning,

yes, posting the code would be great. If it contains sensitive data, please censor it or consider sending me the code as a private message, but censoring would be better because so everyone can have a look on it. :slight_smile:


I don’t have any sensitive data on the code… so… here it is…
The files are attached…
Like I said, it’s moust of the “modern” template with the codes for the QR-code in second page.
footer.txt (1.1 KB)
head.txt (549 Bytes)
body.txt (2.2 KB)

css_invoice.txt (10.3 KB)

I hope it helps!


the “position: fixed” irritates me. I would delete that.

Here’s the code I use. It contains twig-code to show the QR-code only if there’s something to be payed left about the invoice:

For the body:

    {% if invoices %}
        {% set invoice = invoices|first %}
        {% if invoice.amount != invoice.paid_to_date %}
            <div class="pqrcode-grid">
                <div id="pqrcode-svg">$sepa_qr_code</div>
                <div class="pqrcode-text">
                    <div id="pqrcode-head">
                        Einfache Überweisung mittels GiroCode
                    Erledigen Sie Ihre Bankgeschäfte mit dem Smartphone? Dann scannen Sie einfach den abgebildeten QR-Code mit Ihrer Mobile-Banking-App. Es werden sämtliche für die Überweisung benötigten Daten automatisch übernommen.
         {% endif %}
      {% endif %}

For the CSS:

#pqrcode-block {
    display: block;

.pqrcode-grid {
    display: grid;
    align-items: center;
    gap: 5px;
    grid-template-areas: "a b";
    margin-left: -6px;  /* Etwas nach links; ist hübscher */

#pqrcode-svg {
    text-align: right;

#pqrcode-svg svg {
    width: 80px;
    height: auto;

#pqrcode-head {
    text-align: left;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 11pt;

.pqrcode-text {
    padding-left: 3px;
    font-size: 10pt;
    line-height: 1.3;

In my configuration this code is put into a non-page-breakable “block” with the totals-section of the invoice, so the customer always see the option to pay by QR-code when he looks out for the price-sum. Actually the code herefor looks like this:


<div class="no-page-break">
    <div id="table-totals" cellspacing="0">$status_logo</div>

        {% if invoices %}
            {% set invoice = invoices|first %}
            {% if invoice.amount != invoice.paid_to_date %}
                <div class="pqrcode-grid">
                    <div id="pqrcode-svg">$sepa_qr_code</div>
                    <div class="pqrcode-text">
                        <div id="pqrcode-head">
                            Einfache Überweisung mittels GiroCode
                        Erledigen Sie Ihre Bankgeschäfte mit dem Smartphone? Dann scannen Sie einfach den abgebildeten QR-Code mit Ihrer Mobile-Banking-App. Es werden sämtliche für die Überweisung benötigten Daten automatisch übernommen.
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

The necessary additional CSS-code (without format-code for the table-totals-section):

.no-page-break {
    page-break-inside: avoid;

/** Öffentliche Notizen ausblenden, da wir sie bei Bedarf unten einfügen **/
[data-ref="total_table-public_notes"] {
    display: none;

I do not display the public-notes within the table-totals-section for a better look. So my invoices look like this (I deleted the part with the hint to my general contract-conditions out of the code above!):

The red marked area is the “non-breakable block” I mentioned above. As I wrote before, the QR-code dissappears when the invoice has fully been paid. Therefore the paid-stamp will appear.

@cavetech, did my last reply help you?

i there.

Actually, mine is working fine with the code I sent to you.
I thought that you needed help with yours.:smiley: