Product description not working

We have just started using Invoice Ninja and we were setting up all the products etc. It automatically gave us 2 weeks of the pro version. We cannot get the product description to show up on the invoice unless we use the pro settings. How do I do it without using them as we wont be renewing the pro when it exprires?

Can you explain what you mean by “We cannot get the product description to show up on the invoice unless we use the pro settings”. Which pro setting are you referring to?

Go into settings, scroll down to ‘advanced settings pro’ then ‘invoice design’ then ‘product fields’. It is the only way we have managed to get the description to show up but we dont want to pay for the pro version longterm

Hmmm… the description should be included by default.

Those settings will remain active when the trial expires but you won’t be able to change them.

What about the invoice and quote designs? If we chose a pro one now will that be changed when the trial runs out?

With the free plan you can only use one of the first four.