Processing Fee & Overdue Warning Issues


I’ve just finished the set-up and loving he software so far. But, I’ve encountered what appears to be 2 glitches in the client panel.

1) Invoice Amount Affected by Attempting and Abandoning Card Payment.
When accessing the client portal, if a client selects the Credit Card payment option but exits before entering any payment details, the invoice amount is permanently changed to include the credit card fee that was preset in our settings. This adjustment is incorrectly retained when navigating away from the payment section, affecting the displayed invoice amount in the Invoices tab. This gets reverted only when a payment option with no fee is attempted.

See the screen recording -

PS: I’m using Braintree.

2) Invoice Amount Not Resetting
I also observed an incorrect overdue status on an invoice. Despite today’s date being February 25th and the invoice due date set for February 26th, the invoice is marked as overdue. I have verified that the timezone settings are correctly configured on both the server and within our InvoiceNinja settings. Attached is a screenshot for reference.

3) Permission Error?
On a separate note, I do appear to have some permission errors.
ERROR: Cannot update system because chrome is not writable {“userId”:1,“exception”:"[object] - This happens whenever I attempt to update.
ERROR: Unable to create lockable file: /usr/share/nginx/invoiceninja/storage/framework/cache/data/50/19/5019438ad48ad6b081fb0dbf132ba1ff29438b7d. - I should mention that this error only happened once a few days ago.

But, I’ve verified that the owner is www-data:www-data and permissions are set to 755. Logs are being written just fine as you can see the errors from there above.

Ubuntu on VPS
Command ‘sestatus’ not found



Feel free to create separate issues on GitHub for any problems you find in the app.

Make sure to create bug reports for these, the issue #1 seems like something one of y clients was complaining about and I didn’t understand what’s up.